selected projects

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Handsome, young, but morally corrupt Dorian Gray (Josh Duhamel) has a portrait made of himself. As the years pass, he does not age, but the evidence of his sins are apparent in the portrait. Released through American World Pictures.
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Notoriety is a psychological thriller that revives the classic antiheroine from the days of Bette Davis and Barbara Stanwyck, transforming the victim into the one with power
Directed by
Reyna Rosenshein.

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Sinatra: Dark Star

Sinatra's reputation was not just for his music, his alleged links to the mob, his wild rat pack days and the many women who shared his life have out-lasted the legend. Directed by
Christopher Olgiati

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b Golod: The Hunger House

WorldWind was the production services company for this program which was shot at Silvercup Studios NYC. This set was completed in an unheard of 26 days.
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